NEET or NO NEET? Still a Question

neet exams
October 18, 2020

As the lockdown due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic keeps extending itself, educational institutes across the country are struggling to get back on their feet. Though the Central government repeatedly emphasizes the importance of the safety of students, one big question still begs to be answered. Will competitive exams be postponed?

With the CBSE and ICSE board exams for Class 10th and 12th already canceled owing to the pandemic, NEET aspirants are worried over the future of the competitive exams. Even though there has been no official word from the Union HRD minister or the concerned personnel as of now, over 40 thousand petitions have already been signed online, calling for the postponement of these competitive exams.

But, what about admit cards?

The NEET exam, which was supposed to be held on July 26, 2020, still finds itself in a tough spot, as the lockdown continues. With all the uncertainty surrounding the exam now, the HRD ministry is yet to roll out any information regarding the admit cards as well.

As mentioned earlier in this article, while a lot of petitions to postpone the exam have already been signed, a group of parents has written to the National Testing Agency (NTA), urging them to conduct the exams as per schedule, since some students have been working hard for the past two years to be able to perform well in the exam. It has also been mentioned in the letter that the examinations would have to be conducted with due precautions like the usage of gloves and masks while maintaining a safe distance from other students and staff. 

The wait still continues for students, as they look forward to an official announcement by the officials in charge. After the cancellation of CBSE and ICSE board exams, authorities have urged the NTA to take a closer look at the academic calendar to accommodate these competitive exams at a later date. But, it looks like a long wait is still in store for the NEET aspirants. 

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