The Do’s and Don’ts for NEET aspirants: NEET(UG) – 2023

May 6, 2023
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For every examination, there are do’s and don’ts that the candidates should be aware of. For NEET(UG) – 2023 too there are the Do’s and Don’ts that the candidates must strictly follow. This forms an essential part of the candidate’s preparation for the exam, thus, avoiding common mistakes that can turn simple things into a hassle on the examination day. 

Candidates appearing for the NEET(UG) – 2023 must be familiar with the NEET exam pattern inorder not to be confused and be worried during last-minute preparations. 

Do’s and Don’ts for NEET(UG) – 2023 Preparation

Preparation for NEET(UG) – 2023, is one of the most crucial steps that all candidates should follow to secure a good score. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts that the NEET aspirants need to follow for the last-minute preparation:

Do’s for NEET(UG) – 2023: A Day Before the Exam

Visit the Exam Center – Candidates are advised to visit the exam center before the day of the exam, if possible, to have a clear understanding of the route and location to the exam center. The candidates can also google the distance of the location and confirm the means of transportation to reach the place in order to have a good calculation of time travel on the day of the exam. 

Prepare the Documents for the Exam –  Candidates are advised to keep all the documents required for the examination such as Admit Card, ID proof, Passport size photographs, etc in a file to save the time and also to avoid last-minute hassle. 

Take Enough Rest – It is important to have a quick rest from your studies for a clear mind and energy. Candidates should avoid last-minute study to avoid confusion.

Go Through the Exam Guidelines – Candidates are advised to thoroughly go through the examination guidelines before the examination day to ensure that everything has been strictly adhered to and prepared for the examination day.

Don’ts for NEET(UG) – 2023 Preparation

Don’t Start New Topic –  Starting a new topic in any syllabus will only make you confused and forget what was already prepared. Therefore, candidates are advised to avoid starting a new syllabus as it builds up tension.

Don’t Avoid Sleep – Sleep is a powerful source of energy. Get enough sleep as you prepare yourself for the exam. It helps you build confidence and concentrate well during the exam. 

Don’t Pack Barred Items for the Exam Hall –  Do not pack items such as eatables, water bottles, Mobile phones or any electronic devices, Watches, Stationery items, Notebook, Log Tables, Calculator, Wallets/Purses, Jewellery/Accessories, etc. to the exam hall to avoid hassle during frisking at the Examination Center.

Do’s and Don’ts on NEET(UG) – 2023 Examination Day

To ensure that everything is running smoothly on the examination day, candidates should have a proper strategic plan. Here are a few of the things that the candidates should follow on the exam day:

Do’s on NEET(UG) – 2023 Examination Day

Follow NTA NEET(UG) – 2023 Dess Code – Strictly follow the NEET(UG)- 2023 dress code as per suggestion given by the NTA. Candidates should preferably wear light dresses such as T-shirts/shirts and trousers and also keep in mind that only open toes sandals or slippers are allowed.

Fill Your Information Thoroughly – To avoid any mistake while filling in your details during the exam, ensure that you provide all details carefully and check before submitting the papers to the invigilators. 

Stay Focused – Stay focused, read your questions carefully, and understand what is asked before attempting to answer any question.

Read Exam Instructions carefully – Before moving on to your questions during the exam, make sure that you go through the instructions carefully during the allocated time as it is important for the candidates.

Prioritize Easier Questions First – Remember to solve easier questions before moving on to the tough ones during the exam as this will help you manage your time in answering the questions.

Don’ts on NEET(UG) – 2023 Examination Day

Don’t Rush Things – Don’t rush on answering all the questions without thinking. If you have a doubt about certain questions don’t rush to answer. Answering any question incorrectly will lead to a negative marking. 

Don’t Discuss with others – Don’t waste your time discussing the question paper with fellow candidates in the exam hall as it is prohibited. Any candidate caught in the act will be disqualified from the exam and their candidature will be cancelled.

Don’t Leave Without Permission – After completing your exam, make sure you leave the exam hall only when you are permitted to do so by your invigilator.


To conclude, following and understanding the guidelines given by the NTA for NEET(UG) – 2023 is very important for NEET aspirants to crack the exam. Strick adherence to the guidelines ensures that the candidates do not have to face any unnecessary hassle during the day of the examination.