24th Russian Education Fair 2023 in Kolkata: Rus Education

May 20, 2023
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Rus Education along with the representatives of Russian House, Kolkata, and several prominent universities from Russia including Perm State Medical University, Orenburg State Medical University, Mari State University, Tula State University, St. Petersburg University, and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University exhibit their excellent educational programs to Indian students aspiring to study in Russia, participated at the 24th Russian Education Fair 2023 in Kolkata.

Several dignitaries who represented the Russian Universities included Ms. Gladkova Olga, Head of the Institute of International Education, Tula State University; Ms. Lopach Olesia, Head of the Admissions Office for International Applicants; Ms. Butlerovskaia Angelina, Specialist of Admissions Office for International Applicants of St Petersburg University; Prof. Oseian Daiana, Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language of Perm State Medical University; Prof. Tretiakova Luliia, Assistant Professor of the Polyclinic Therapy Department of Perm State Medical University; Ms. Bastrakova Natalia, Deputy Director of Work with Foreign Students of the Medical Institute, of Mari State University; and Prof. Liashchenko Diana, Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Orenburg State Medical University.

The fair was successfully held with parents and students who attended, got a chance to interact with the Russian representatives, and took home exclusive benefits such as discounts on admissions to the universities, scholarships, etc.